Each MPI has a set amount of Mini-Games for all to play! Whether it be a Mini-Game from a Space, or after everyone moves! Everyone loves Mini-Games, so here’s a page showing off the many types of Mini-Games you’ll see. And yes, this time it’s affected by color panel! Once the Space list is posted, you’ll see all the color panel juice!
A battle royal where all players face off! No teams, no mercy!
Started when everyone has the same color panel.
One person faces three in an epic Mini-Game! Is 3 against 1 fair!?
Started when one person has a different color panel from the three.
It’s a team battle! Work with your partner to win!
Started when there’s an equal amount of different color panels.
Play a 1-Player to earn Coins! It’s one-sided here!
Started when one player lands on the 1-Player Space.
2 people work together to earn Coins! Team up!
Started when one player lands on the Puppy Space.
Battle one of Bowser’s cronies! Whoop them good!
Started when one player lands on the Battle Space.
Everyone dances! A specific pair-up will induce Coins!
Started randomly, ignoring Color Panel.
Let’s get juicy! Jump into the pipe of Juice to win!
Started randomly, ignoring Color Panel.
Everyone will bet a certain amount of Coins; winner gets the jackpot!
Started randomly when everyone has the same Color Panel.
If this happens, there’ll be no Mini-Game that turn!
Started randomly, ignoring Color Panel.
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