There are 3 Capsules being added to this new MPI5+ game; Trap Capsules! These Capsules are very similar to Mario Party 6’s Red/Yellow Orbs. You can put these traps up to 5 Spaces in front or behind you.
All traps will disappear when a rival LANDS on them. They’ll still be affected by the trap, but at least the trap will go!
The Starfish Capsule will disappear whether the rival LANDS or PASSES the trap.
Spikes Capsule:
Spikes is a useful, cheaply priced Capsule in MPI5+! Whether your rivals pass them or land on them, they will lose 10 Coins!
If you already have a trap out on the board, you can add another Spikes Capsule to it, regardless of where you are currently.
You can stack a Spikes trap up to 4 times, if you buy 4 Spikes Capsules!
You’re only allowed to have up to 4 Spikes traps on the board at one time (stacking on one Space still counts as multiple traps!)
The rival that passes/lands on that trap, will lose a whopping 40 Coins! Ouch!
Toxic Spikes Capsule:
Toxic Spikes works almost the same as the normal Spikes… except rather than losing Coins; the rival will be Poisoned.
If you stack two Toxic Spikes Capsules, and a rival passes/lands on that, they will be Badly Poisoned!
You’re only allowed to have up to 4 Toxic Spikes traps on the board at one time (stacking on one Space still counts as multiple traps!)
Just like Spikes, if a rival lands on this, they’ll be affected but the trap will disappear.
If you already have a trap out on the board, you can add another Toxic Spikes Capsule to it, regardless of where you are currently.
Starfish Capsule:
The Starfish Capsule works a bit differently than the two Spikes Capsules.
Whether a rival passes or lands on it, the trap will disappear right after.
A sinister Starfish will take a random Capsule or a random Stuffer; depending on how you set him up as, and he’ll give it to you.
You can stack up to 3 Starfish trap, if you buy 3 Starfish Capsules! You can have each Starfish steal something different!
You’re only allowed to have up to 3 Starfish traps on the board at one time (stacking on one Space still counts as multiple traps!)
If you already have a trap out on the board, you can add another Starfish Capsule to it, regardless of where you are currently.
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