Each Stage has it’s own Bosses that you must defeat. The Boss Battles are actual routes to the Boss. Each Boss has it’s own unique health gauge and ways of attacking it. Also, the spaces effects in these routes do indeed differ by many ways! You will use your Dice Blocks to attack the Boss. NOTE when you get to the Final Space, you will confront the Boss. You can use as many Dice Blocks as you can (1 in each category {Normal, Special, Mini-Game}). If you roll doubles, you will be given another Dice Block to roll. If that Dice Block roll pairs with the already pair, you get another Dice Block and so on. Different effects happen if you land on the Final Space as well.
Starlight Galaxy

The Boss for this Stage is Kamella. Her health will be at 60. Get to the Final Space in order to get a chance to attack her. There are some changes in the Spaces in this area as well.
Space Changes:
- Dice Block Spaces will give you a RANDOM Dice Block (Either Normal, Special, or Unique Normal).
- Event Spaces will knock you back to the Starting Area.
- Get to Final Space to attack Kamella. LAND on the Final Space to stay on that space instead of going back to start.
Dice Block effects on Kamella:
- Normal, whatever you roll is the attack power.
- Special, whatever you roll is the attack power.
- Contra Normal has no effect on Kamella.
- Unique Normal doubles in power (a 4-Power Dice Block will produce 8 damage).
- Unique Special has no effect on Kamella.
- Mini-Game, whatever you roll is the attack power.
Futuristic City

The Boss for this Stage is Thunder Lakitu. His health will be at 75. Get to the Final Space in order to get a chance to attack him. There are some changes in the Spaces in this area as well.
Space Changes:
- Blank Spaces do nothing
- Dice Block Spaces will give you a RANDOM Dice Block (Either Normal, Special, Contra-Normal or Unique Normal.
- Event Spaces will make you lose ALL of your Dice Blocks.
- Lucky Spaces will create a 2-Onward Space.
- Unlucky Spaces will create a 2-Backward Space.
- Get to Final Space to attack Thunder Lakitu. LAND on the Final Space to double your attack power.
Dice Block effects on Thunder Lakitu:
- Normal, whatever you roll is the attack power.
- Special, whatever you roll is the attack power.
- Contra Normal has no effect on Thunder Lakitu.
- Unique Normal doubles in power (a 4-Power Dice Block will produce 8 damage).
- Unique Special has no effect on Kamella.
- Mini-Game, whatever you roll is the attack power.
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