Rare Capsules

Rare Capsules

Rare Capsules are powerful, uncommon Capsules that can definitely do some damage to your rivals and the board! Consider yourself lucky if you can get a Rare Capsule; it will help you out tremendously!





Banzai Bill Capsule

Fire the Banzai Bill at one player. Guaranteed they will lose ALL their Coins.

 25 Coins

Staryu’s Starstorm Capsule

Unleash blue, red, and yellow comets, to steal Coins or Stars from all your rivals. It costs Coins to activate this though.
Works just like Big Boo from Mario Party 2 and 4!

 25 Coins

Frozen Fractals Capsule

Give one rival the Frozen status.

 25 Coins

Miracle Cake Capsule

Boost all Bonus Star stats by one stage.

25 Coins

Blood Scratch Capsule

With sharp claws, scratch your chosen rival, making them lose 1 stage to each Bonus Star stat. 1/3 of them losing each stat.

25 Coins

Fissure Capsule

Make all players in your vicinity have a 1/3 chance of 40 Coins.

25 Coins

Zap Cannon Capsule

Takes 20 Coins from a rival & paralyzes them. Has high Crit ratio, but only has a 1/3 chance of hitting.

 25 Coins

Mirror Coat Capsule

Reflect an attack back at your opponent and double the damage! Unlike the Shield, when you’re attacked, you can CHOOSE to activate it or not.

 25 Coins

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