Capsules (4)

Capsules is one of the Item systems in MPI. These Capsules allow you to change up your dice block, help yourself, harm others, affect the board, or do deadly moves! There’s so many possibilities and strategies with Capsules, be sure to make your own strategy! You can’t win without using Capsules so be sure to use them when ever needed!

Capsules: 5 Coins





Mushroom Capsule

Roll 2 Dice Blocks.

 5 Coins

Ghetto Mushroom Capsule

With your dice block, move in any direction.

 5 Coins

Mini Mushroom Capsule

Choose how much to roll from 1-5.

 5 Coins

x3 Sparky Sticker Capsule

Set 3 Sparky Sticker traps within 10 Spaces forward or behind you. When a rival passes them, they will lose 5 Coins and they’ll go to you.

 5 Coins


Capsules: 10 Coins





Gold Mushroom Capsule

Roll 3 Dice Blocks.

 10 Coins

Warp Pipe Capsule

Warp with a player of your choice.

 10 Coins

Sweet Capsule

Heals all negative Status Ailments.

 10 Coins

Double Dip Capsule

You can use 2 Capsules or Stuffers.

 10 Coins

Thief Capsule

Steal one Capsule of your choice from a rival.

 10 Coins

Magic Portal Capsule

Change the location of the Star Space.

 10 Coins

Toxic Capsule

Make one player receive the “Badly Poisoned” status.

 10 Coins

Thunder Wave Capsule

Make one player receive the “Paralyzed” status.

 10 Coins

Podoboo Capsule

Make one player receive the “Burned” status.

 10 Coins

Spider Web Capsule

Constrict a player with web, making their Abilities useless for a few turns.

 10 Coins

Disable Capsule

Disable a player, preventing them from using any Items for a few turns.

 10 Coins

Double Cherry Capsule

The next Space you land on will count twice, so you can use it’s effects two times.

 10 Coins

Rainbow Spell Capsule

Make one rival obtain one of the following statuses: Poisoned, Cursed, Sadness, or Berserk.

 10 Coins

Baton Pass Capsule

Pass all your status ailments, good and bad, to one of your rivals.

 10 Coins

Timmy’s YoYo Capsule

Timmy’s yo-yo will slide and smack 2 rivals! Both rivals will lose 10 Coins. High crit.

 10 Coins


Capsules: 15 Coins





Love Capsule

Get the Love status for 3 turns. Having the Love status means you get 3 Coins each Space you pass.

 15 Coins

Sing Capsule

Lull a player of your choosing to sleep, making them lose their turn.

 15 Coins

Berry’s Arrow Capsule

Send one player of your choice to the start.

 15 Coins

Juicy Capsule

Boost a Bonus Star stat of your choosing by 1 stage.

15 Coins

Floral Spell Capsule

Cover yourself in a floral veil, and unleash the magic on a rival! The rival you choose will lose half the coins you have and they’ll go to you.

15 Coins

Fire Flower Capsule

You have 5 shots to fire, each hit counting as 5 Coins, distribute how you want. May burn.

15 Coins

Ice Flower Capsule

You have 5 shots to fire, each hit counting as 5 Coins, distribute how you want. May freeze.

15 Coins

Jolt Flower Capsule

You have 5 shots to fire, each hit counting as 5 Coins, distribute how you want. May paralyze.

 15 Coins

Golden Rain Capsule

Use on a rival, rival chosen will receive more critical hits on them when hurt by Capsule attacks. Lasts 3 turns.

 15 Coins

Super Bell Capsule

Turns you into a Cat! The benefits include: Star costs half, you get 5 Coins on whatever Space you land on, and Capsule attacks are 20% stronger.

 15 Coins

Boomerang Flower Capsule

Gain Boomerang power! At the start of each turn, choose 1 player to lose 5 Coins. Also gives you a MASSIVE 50% power when you use Capsules.

 15 Coins

Leaf Capsule

Turns you into a Tanuki! The benefits include: Your Dice Block will be 10-20, players passed will lose 10 Coins, and Capsule prices are reduced by 30%

 15 Coins

Brick Block Capsule

Gain Brick Block defense! The Brick Block reduces attacks by 50%, Spider Space just increases Miss Star, and Stuffer prices are reduced by 30%.

 15 Coins

Amalondria’s Curse Capsule

Amalondria curses a player of your choice with the Fish status. In 3 turns, the chosen rival will lose all their Coins. This version of the Fish status CANNOT be cured.

 15 Coins

Incinerate Capsule

Incinerate all of a rival’s Capsules, making all their Capsules useless.

 15 Coins


Capsules: 20 Coins





Rainbow Portal Capsule

Takes you to the Star Space.

 20 Coins

ChaCha Heels Capsule

Ghetto stomp a foe, taking 20 Coins from them. May poison as well.

 20 Coins

Cross Poison Capsule

Makes opponent lose 20 Coins. Has high critical hit ratio to double. May Poison.

 20 Coins

Charge Beam Capsule

Charge your beam up (takes 1 turn), then fire! You will take 30 Coins from a player of your choice. High Critical Ratio to double.

 20 Coins

Swap Capsule

Trade all of your Capsules or Stuffers with another player.

20 Coins

Status of All Trades Capsule

Your rivals will all receive a different status ailment. The selection is Poisoned, Paralyzed, and Burned. Distribute how you want!

20 Coins

Lightning Capsule

Make everyone roll a 1-3 Dice Block and be temporarily paralyzed.

 20 Coins

P-Wing Capsule

Fly to any Space you want to on the board, then end your turn. The Space you fly to’s effects will not activate.

 20 Coins

Triple Dip Capsule

You can use 3 Capsules or Stuffers.

 20 Coins

Spider Bite Capsule

Cut one player’s Coin count in half.

 20 Coins

Rocket Star Capsule

Make one player of your choice lose a Star. Costs 20 Coins to use.

 20 Coins

Sunny Ceremony Capsule

Puts Coins on ALL of the Spaces. Anyone can pick the Coins up when they pass a Space that has them.

 20 Coins


Capsules: 25 Coins





Banzai Bill Capsule

Fire the Banzai Bill at one player. Guaranteed they will lose ALL their Coins.

 25 Coins

Boo’s Crystal Ball Capsule

Call Big Boo to steal Coins/Stars from everyone.

 25 Coins

Frozen Fractals Capsule

Give one rival the Frozen status.

 25 Coins

Miracle Cake Capsule

Boost all Bonus Star stats by one stage.

25 Coins

Blood Scratch Capsule

With sharp claws, scratch your chosen rival, making them lose 1 stage to each Bonus Star stat. 1/3 of them losing each stat.

25 Coins

Fissure Capsule

Make all players in your vicinity have a 1/3 chance of losing all their Coins.

25 Coins

Zap Cannon Capsule

If it hits, take 20 Coins from them (high crit) and paralyze them. Has a 1/3 chance of hitting.

 25 Coins

Mirror Coat Capsule

Reflect an attack back at your opponent and double the damage! Unlike the Shield, when you’re attacked, you can CHOOSE to activate it or not.

 25 Coins


Staryu Capsules

Here are the new Staryu Capsules. These are some very deadly Capsules, that if put in the wrong hands, can really corrupt your chances of winning! Be sure to buy them when they are available, as their power will help anyone in any place!





Staryu’s Comet Capsule

Unleash Staryu’s powerful comets on all of your rivals, making them all drop 30 Coins. Has a high crit ratio.

 30 Coins

Staryu’s Hammer Capsule

Drop Staryu’s deadly Mini Hammer on one rival. Upon being clocked, the rival will lose 40 Coins, have the Cursed status for 1-2 turns, and will roll a 1-3 Dice Block.

 30 Coins

Staryu’s Juice Capsule

Super juicy! Two rivals will suffer the secret Juice of Staryu! Upon being juiced up, the two rivals will be unable to harm you for 3 turns. After 3 turns, the two players will miss a turn.

 30 Coins

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