

Space Name


Blue Space

When a player lands on this space, he/she will receive 3 coins

Red Space

When a player lands on this space, he/she will lose 3 coins

Purple Space

 When a player lands on this space, he/she will receive 5 coins and will be able to choose their color palette. It can be either blue or red

Ally Space

When a player lands on this space, he/she will have to choose another person. They both will receive 10 coins each

Event Space

 When a player lands on this space, a random event will commence.

Challenge Space

When a player lands on this space, a Challenge Mini-Game will commence. If he/she completes the challenge, he/she will be able to get up to 1 star as a prize. If he/she fails objective they will lose 10 coins

Duel Space

 When a player lands on this space, a Duel Mini-Game will commence. He/She will pick an opponent to face off in a Duel Mini-Game. The player will also choose what they wager. The winner will received the pot.

Chance Space

 When a player lands on this space, he/she will be able to play the infamous Chance Time where the tables may turn for one individual player or for all

Lotto Space

 When a player lands on this space, he/she will be able to play a Lotto Scratch-Off. He/She will have to pay 10, 20, or 30 coins for a Scratch-Off. He/She may win up to 6-Stars depending on what type of scratch-off they pay for

Plus Space

When a player lands on this space, he/she will receive 10 coins

Minus Space

 When a player lands on this space, he/she will lose 10 coins

Dash Space

 When a player lands on this space, he/she will roll another Dice Block and move 1 – 5 spaces inclusively forward

Back Space

 When a player lands on this space, he/she will roll another Dice Block and move 1 – 5 spaces inclusively backwards

Bonus Space

 When a player lands on this space, he/she will receive a bonus

Bowser Space

 When a player lands on this space, Bowser will trigger 1 of his events that will be mentioned later. He may even trigger 2 or 3 of his events

Exit Space

 When a player lands on this space, he/she will be sent back to start

Lucky Space

 When a player lands on this space, he/she will be able to go the Lucky Route. At the end of the Lucky Route, he/she will receive 1 star

Unlucky Space

 When a player lands on this space, he/she will be able to go to the Unlucky Route. At the end of the Unlucky Route, he/she will lose 1 star

1-Up Space

 When a player lands on this space, he/she will play a Single Player Bonus Mini-Game where they can win up to 3 stars

4-Up Space

 When a player lands on this space, everyone will play a Multi-Player Bonus Mini-Game where anyone can win up to 3 stars

Elemental Space

 When a player lands on this space, he/she will be able to change their element

Star Space

 When a player reaches this space, he/she can buy a star or stars for 20 coins

Ztar Space

 When a player reaches this space, he/she will lose a star or stars

Card Space

When a player reaches this space, he/she will receive a card if they don’t have 6 cards

Event Space Effects

The Event Space has numerous effects once landed on. These effects will be randomized and will be chosen by Here are the effects that can happen:

  • Opponents cannot use their cards for 1 turn
  • You cannot use your cards for 1 turn
  • Get a Rainbow Card
  • Get a Power Star
  • Lose a Power Star
  • Change your Element
  • Opponents cannot use their Element Power for 1 turn
  • You cannot use your Element Power for 1 turn
  • Recharge your Power Stars
  • Deplete your Power Stars

Challenge Space Prizes

If you’re able to complete the challenge, you will be rewarded. The prizes you can win are shown below:

  • 10 coins
  • 20 coins
  • 30 coins
  • 1 star

Bonus Space Effects

You will get a nifty bonus if you land on a Bonus Space. The type of bonuses you will get are show below:

  • 30 coins
  • 40 coins
  • 50 coins
  • 1 Power Star
  • 1 Rainbow Card
  • 1 star

Bowser Space Effects

The Bowser Space has numerous effects once landed on. These effects will be randomized and will be chosen by Here are the effects that can happen:

  • Bowser’s Equilibrium (Everyone will have the same number of coins)
  • Bowser’s Downgrade (Everyone’s Power Bar will be reduced to 0 where they will need to charge back up)
  • Bowser’s Elemental Shift (Everyone will have different Elements)
  • Bowser’s Present (The player who landed on Bowser will lose 20, 30, or 40 coins)
  • Bowser’s Bonus (The player who landed on Bowser will lose 1 star)
  • Bowser’s Charity (Bowser will take either 30, 45, or 60 coins from the player who landed on Bowser and distribute it evenly with the other players)
  • Bowser’s Pot-Luck (Bowser will take either 10, 20, or 30 coins from everyone)
  • Bowser’s Card Breaker (Everyone will lose all of their cards)
  • Bowser’s Element (The player who landed on Bowser will not be able to gain power nor use their element for 3 turns)

Lotto Space Effects

You will be able to purchase up to 3 scratch-offs. You can purchase a 10-coin, 20-coin, or a 30-coin scratch off. The chances of winning are the same but the prizes increase as the price increases.

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